想知道托福口說三選一攻略Part I,請點連結 https://goo.gl/PccMZP
看到口說第一題的題目,第一件事就是要想why!!! 來回答題目。也就是要想原因。
有些老師教同學用5W來發想。Why? Who? How? Where? What?
講白一點就是為什麼選這個答案? 對象是誰? 要怎麼做? 在哪裡做? 幾時做? 又做了甚麼?不見得五個W都要回答出來,但這提供了發想的方向,進而建立起答案。有同學們喜歡稱的”字庫”,”萬用模板”或者”萬用例子”。
有些老師呢? 會利用”人” “事” “地” “物” 來發想。也是一樣的道理。所以,今天我們大家就一起來想想,記得我們先前選擇的答案都是公園跟自然環境有關,那麼當然從這些字來開始發想。公園裡有甚麼? 有畫面了嗎? 在公園會看到甚麼? 趕快寫下來。像是花,樹,鳥,松鼠,遛狗,散步,慢跑,兒童遊戲場,盪鞦韆,溜滑梯等等。
Flowers, trees, birds, squirrels, dog-walking, take a walk, go jogging, playground, play on the swing, play on the slide. Etc.
What community service task would you like to do?
- Help young children with their homework.
- Teach old people how to use computer.
- Clean a city park.
I would like to clean a city park because I always relax myself in the park. => Therefore, having clean and comfortable park is beneficial to me.
For ex:
Ex: Yesterday, I sat on a bench hearing the bird singing and smell the flowers’ fragrance. It’s really relaxing. And then in the playground, I saw some children playing on the seesaw and slide. I heard their laughter and saw their smiles on their faces. These relax me a lot. So, having a clean and comfortable park can provide me a place to relax and that’s why I prefer to clean a city park as a community service.
If you have opportunities to do something good, which of the following activity would you choose?
- distributing meals for needed people
- helping children build playground
- seeing people in hospital
I would like to help children build a playground because I always like to relax myself in a park.
Ex: Yesterday, I sat on a bench hearing the bird singing and smell the flowers’ fragrance. It’s really relaxing. And then in the playground, I saw children playing on the seesaw and slide. I heard their laughter and saw their smiles on their faces. These relax me a lot. So, helping children build a playground is really beneficial to me because I can totally relax there by watching children play in the playground.
有沒有發現兩題幾乎是一樣的答案呢?再來,我們將park/ Community Service延伸到Nature Environment and Environmental Protection。照樣的,我們開始發想,在大自然環境下,我們會看到甚麼,聽到甚麼? 然後將單字繼續擴展到我們的字庫裡。
所以, 看到wild animals, endangered species, extinct species, etc.。
所以,其實托福獨立口說題真的不如大家想像中的恐怖,只要稍加以整理,他絕對是大家口說站上24+的基石,而非絆腳石唷! 大家加油!