
by 送佛計畫

很多同學的作文有許多可避免的基礎文法錯誤,也就是說同學有能力自我修正這些錯誤。同學訂正自己的作文請依照以下步驟,找出基礎文法錯誤。首先,一個英文句子的組成是:主詞+動詞,且一個英文句子只能有一個主詞與一個動詞。請同學看著自己寫的句子,如下仔細審視找出主詞,主詞是否為名詞或動名詞?否,則主詞錯誤。接著判斷主詞為單數或複數?找出動詞這個句子裡是否出現一個以上動詞 ?是,則此句文法結構有誤,必須使用連接詞,或是句點另啟新句動詞時態是否正確?注意,如果舉過去的例子,整個敘述過程都必須使用過去式,不可一會現在式,一會過去式若動詞為現在簡單式,是否依據主詞單數或複數加s或不加s?所有的名詞,判斷可數或不可數?可數名詞加冠詞或複數若出現 it, they 等借代詞,判斷借代何物,單複數是否正確?許多同學明明前面寫的是複數例如animals,後面借代變成 it 單數,怎麼原本很多動物,到後面只剩一隻呢?若有修飾詞,判斷此修飾詞是副詞還是形容詞,接著判斷被修飾詞是名詞還是動詞,是名詞則用形容詞修飾,動詞則用副詞修飾,許多同學會寫出 people work in a well environment 這種修飾詞錯誤的句子
The professor claims that the local government do not have enough money to construct the expensive pumping machine.Students may obey rules superficially, but break it later.Children can behave more polite than everParent can use the time to teach them principlesThere are a variety of TV programs that contain educational meaning in itI joined scientific clubWhen I was in senior high school, everyone in my family has much work to doBadminton turn out to be one of my favourite sportsSome people may think access too much information from Internet may cause problemI usually read news articles from BBC online. It allows me to gain the messages from all over the worldThe author of the reading passage and the professor are both discussing the decline population in reading booksTravel in a group can make a lot of new friends
這只是個簡單的托福寫作自我修正的小技巧,如果想寫出高分的托福作文,充分了解題型、計分方式以及獨立整合寫作練習技巧更是不可或缺的,有興趣的同學我們推薦你閱讀《【托福寫作】掌握這 10 大技巧,托福寫作輕鬆拿高分》,相信你可以更快掌握托福寫作的高分秘訣!

《【托福聽力】必學高分技巧,4 步驟自我檢測托福實力》
《【托福考試必備】TPO 考滿分破解與練習攻略懶人包》
